You’ve built a successful company and now you’re thinking about life after business. By planning ahead, you ensure that the business you’ve worked so hard to build will pass into capable hands and allow you to retire successfully.
Keystone Business Transitions, LLC (KBT) is dedicated to providing business owners with a customized business transition plan and the tools to facilitate a smooth ownership transfer, enabling you to achieve your financial and non-financial goals.
A business’s value is based on an educated estimate of the future cash flows each owner will accrue. The process involves an in-depth financial analysis, as well as an understanding of the Company’s strengths and weaknesses, its industry position, and its outlook. Future cash flows must be transferable and sustainable in order for the business to have value in the marketplace.
Exit Planning is the holistic approach to designing a strategy that ensures you receive maximum value for your life’s work and achieve your non-financial goals. It encompasses setting exit objectives, organizing a team of trusted advisors, and creating a roadmap to accomplish your objectives.
Your trusted advisors – attorney, CPA, financial advisor, and others – have been important to your success, so they should be part of your exit planning team. As we work with you, we’ll collaborate with your trusted advisors to help you achieve a successful exit.
Meet Our Founder and President
Don Feldman is the founder of Keystone Business Transitions, LLC, a Lancaster, PA firm devoted to helping business owners smoothly exit their companies. He has been a CPA for over 25 years and a valuation professional for 20 years. For the last 15 years, Don’s practice has focused on succession and exit planning, including transfers of business interests to family members and key employees, as well as sales to outside buyers. Don has earned the designation Certified Exit Planner™ from the Business Enterprise Institute of Denver, Colorado.
The election of Joe Biden on November 2, 2020 created one of the great tax-planning stampedes of most practitioners’ lifetimes. Biden had run on a platform of increasing capital gains rates from 20% to 40% on gains more than $1 million. He also planned to reduce the estate and gift tax exclusion from the current level of $11 million+ per… Read More
Current Situation For the last two years, whenever anyone asked me about saving taxes on the sale of a business, I had a stock piece of advice: “Sell before the end of 2020”. We are living in a historically low tax environment in which we are also experiencing record government budget deficits. Even before the pandemic and the multiple trillion-dollar… Read More
In addition to the uncertainties that business owners typically grapple with, 2020 has brought us the pandemic. What are the consequences for business continuity planning? Business continuity planning is particularly important for sole-owner businesses with fewer than one hundred employees. In such a business, if the owner becomes disabled or dies, there is a danger that some employees will fear… Read More